In order to ensure that lessons run smoothly and without interruption, students are required to bring the following equipment to school with them every day.
- School Bag (Large enough to hold A4 exercise books).
- Pencil Case (Students are not permitted to carry equipment in their pockets).
- 2 black pens.
- 2 Pencils.
- 1 Purple Pen.
- 1 Green Pen.
- 1 x Ruler.
- 1 x Rubber.
- 1 Glue Stick.
- 1 Black Non-permanent whiteboard pen.
- 1 Scientific Calculator (Required: CASIO FX-83GTCW or earlier models).
- 1 Homework Wallet.
- 1 Whiteboard.
- Reading book.
- Water bottle.
- Student Planner.
Equipment checks are completed each morning during form time. Where students do not have the required equipment, it will be provided to them and a charge made on ParentPay. A negative comment (E) for missing equipment will be issued.
Uniform can be purchased from Schoolshop click here to go to their online shop or telephone: 01904 607331
All students are expected to maintain a high standard of personal appearance. The following guidance is provided to ensure that students can meet the expectations of the uniform policy.
All Students
- Navy blazer with school logo
- Blue Clip-on tie (Red for year 11)
- White classic collar shirt.
- Navy long sleeved jumper or sleeveless jumper (Optional).
- Plain black leather, or leather look school shoes.
Girls Uniform
- Grey knee length skirt (2 options) with school logo (OR)
- Grey trousers (2 fittings) with school logo (OR)
- Black non-branded tailored style school trousers. (New for September 2024) Available from supermarkets or high street stores.
- Plain Black ankle length socks if wearing trousers, black tights only when wearing a skirt
Boys Uniform
- Grey trousers (2 fittings) with school logo (OR)
- Black non-branded tailored style school trousers. (New for September 2024) Available from supermarkets or high street stores.
- Plain black ankle length socks.
Girls PE Kit
- Black/Red Qtr zip sweatshirt.
- Plain white polo top
- Plain black/shadow stripe shorts
- Training shoes
- Football or hockey boots (for outdoor use only – suitable for use in a MUGA)
- Long black football or hockey socks & white ankle socks
- Shin pads
- Hair bobble
- Black skort (Optional)
- Plain black full length tracksuit bottoms (Optional)
- Mouth guard (Optional)
- Black leggings (Optional)
Boys PE Kit
- Plain red/black reversible rugby jersey – available from school shop
- A plain white polo top
- Plain black/shadow stripe shorts
- Training shoes and football boots (if metal stud must be kite marked)
- Long black football or hockey socks & white ankle socks
- Shin pads
- Mouth guard
- Plain black full length tracksuit bottoms (Optional)
- Black/Red Qtr zip PE sweatshirt (Optional)
Shoes: All students must wear formal, plain black leather or leather type shoes. Students should not wear shoes that are decorative (e.g. diamantes) have coloured/reflective stripes or logos, backless sandals, boots (above the ankle, unless worn under trousers) trainers or ‘leisure’ shoes. Canvas shoes and Kickers are not allowed. Trainers are not permitted to be worn except for approved medical reasons. Where they are worn for approved medical reasons, they must be plain black, non-branded, and contain no coloured patters or stripes.
The images below are provided to support parents / carers in ensuring that the correct shoes are purchased for September 2024. Whilst we are aware that in the past trainer style shoes such as black Nike trainers have been permitted, this will not be the case in September. It is important to stress that any shoes which could be reasonably considered to be a trainer style will not be permitted.

Socks: socks should be plain black and non-branded. Socks should be above the ankle so as to not leave a gap between the trousers and the sock. Trainer, fluffy & knee length socks are not permitted.
Bags: School bags are an important part of our uniform. To be fit for purpose, they must be a suitable size in order that all equipment, including A4 exercise books, can fit inside. Students using bags that are deemed too small will be expected to purchase a replacement in a given timeframe.
Belts: Plain and black with no logos and a standard non-decorative buckle.
Blazers: Blazers must be worn at all times around school, however, students may request permission to remove their blazer in lessons and do not need to wear their blazer from 1 May onwards each year.
Coats: we encourage students to bring a coat to school with them wherever possible / needed. Please note, however, that hoodies, including hoodies with zips, and sports tops are not permitted to be worn on the school site. For the absence of doubt a hoodie is classified as an item of sweatshirt type fabric with a hood.
Jewellery: students are allowed to wear a watch (smart watches/ Fitbits are not allowed), one discreet ring per hand and one earring per earlobe. Earrings may be a small/simple stud (no logos). These must be removed for PE. No other facial piercings are allowed. Students are not permitted to wear necklaces and bracelets / bands / scrunchies (other than for faith reasons), however, students are allowed to wear one charity band.
Nails: false / acrylic nails should not be worn. Coloured nail varnish is not permitted.
Hairstyles: hairstyles should not reflect the extremes of ‘youth culture’. Hair must not have patterns or lines cut into the hair. Colourings should be subtle and of natural colours only i.e. no pinks, red, blues or purple. ‘Dip dye’ or half and half colours are not permitted. Students with inappropriate hairstyles will serve three days in Isolation. A shorter period will be considered where the issue is able to be resolved. Where issues are not resolved, a fixed term suspension may be issued. Upon return, if the issue is not resolved, further periods of isolation may be required.
Makeup: Makeup may be worn but should not be excessive and be a natural tone. Fake eyelashes and lipstick is unnecessary and is, therefore, not permitted to be worn.
Tattoos: Tattoos or body piercings must not be visible.
Skirts: In response to student feedback, we have provided an additional uniform option in the form of smart black trousers. Where students still wish to wear a skirt to school it must be worn to knee length. Where this is not adhered to a negative comment will be issued and the issue will be expected to be corrected. Persistent failure to wear skirts at knee length will lead to isolation being issued.
Upon arrival to school each morning, uniform will be checked on the gate by senior members of staff. Where a uniform issue is identified that can be resolved, including through the borrowing of uniform, no sanction will be issued. Where the uniform issue cannot be resolved / the student refuses to borrow uniform, an Isolation will be issued. Uniform issues that are identified during the school day will lead to a negative comment being issued. Persistent uniform issues will result in isolation being issued.