Bedale High School operates a no phone zone for students as indicated on the map below. This is to ensure that the school day is free from distractions and students are solely focused on their learning.
Mobile phones are brought into school at a student’s own risk and must be switched off and placed at the bottom of the school bag throughout the school day.
If a student has a mobile phone out in the school or it goes off, or it can be seen, it will be confiscated (along with the SIM card) for 48 hours and a negative comment will be entered into the student’s planner. Where the confiscation is before 2pm, the phone will be required to be handed over immediately and parents / carers will be contacted to make them aware. Where it is after 2pm, the phone will be required to be handed in the next day.
If this falls on a Thursday or a Friday it cannot be collected until the following Monday after the school day has finished. Where this falls before a holiday period, the phone cannot be collected until the first day back after the holidays.
Where students are serving a period of Isolation, they are expected to put their mobile phone and their bags into a locker. If the student fails to do this and the mobile phone is seen the student will have their mobile phone (along with SIM card) confiscated for 5 days.
Where a student refuses to hand over their mobile phone a suspension will be issued. Upon return from their suspension, the student will still be required to hand over their mobile phone.
There may be times where a child must use a mobile phone without permission for reasons of a safeguarding nature, or reasons that are highly personal. In these circumstances the confiscation of the mobile phone will be at the discretion of the Headteacher.
Smart watches are not allowed on school premises and will be confiscated in line with our mobile phone policy.
Students are not permitted to have their phone out while walking on the path down towards the bus stop at the end of the day.
Once a student has left the school site, they are permitted to use their phone.