Key Stage 3
The Key Stage 3 Curriculum at Bedale High School is rich and extremely diverse. Students are exposed to the full range of subjects with an intention for students to explore a range of disciplines and find their passion ahead of choosing GCSE options at the end of year 9.
Students study the following subjects with the below number of lessons allocated per fortnight:
English | 6 |
Reading | 1 |
Mathematics | 6 |
Science | 6 |
History | 4 |
Geography | 3 |
French | 3 |
Art | 2 |
Drama | 2 |
ICT | 2 |
Music | 2 |
PSHCE | 2 |
PE | 4 |
RE | 2 |
Technology (inc. Food) | 4 |
Throughout the course of year 9, students will be supported in choosing their GCSE options. A link to our GCSE Options booklet is provided below.
Key Stage 4
Thanks to the depth of our Key Stage 3 curriculum, students will now have made an informed choice about which subjects they would like to follow through to GCSE. All students will continue to study English, Mathematics, Science, PSHCE, and PE, however, they will now have made an additional three option choices.
Option subjects include:
- Art and Design (GCSE)
- Computer Science (GCSE)
- Design Technology – Timbers (GCSE)
- Design Technology – Textiles (GCSE)
- Food Preparation and Nutrition (GCSE)
- French (GCSE)
- Geography (GCSE)
- History (GCSE)
- Media Studies (GCSE)
- Music (BTEC)
- Performing Arts (BTEC)
- Sports Studies (BTEC)
Students study the following subjects with the below number of lessons allocated per fortnight:
English | 10 |
Mathematics | 10 |
Science | 10 |
Option A | 5 |
Option B | 5 |
Option C | 5 |
PE | 3 |
PSHCE | 2 |
Subject Overviews
The below information is provided as an overview for what students will learn throughout their time at Bedale High School
Please click below for more information on each subject area.
Creative Arts and Health
Humanities and MFL
Maths and Computing
Computing and Computer Science
Science and Technology
Design & Technology & Food Preparation and Nutrition
For any further curriculum enquires, please contact Mr Dunne, Deputy Headteacher.