Admissions: Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3
We know that most Year 6 students look forward to starting secondary school, although they invariably have many expectations and perhaps a few anxieties. Considerable effort is put into making the process of transfer as smooth and positive as possible. Throughout the year, we run a range of events in collaboration with our primary feeder schools and in the autumn term students in their last year at primary school are invited to spend a day or more with us. They learn to find their way around the buildings, try out school meals, meet other students and experience some secondary school lessons.
An Open Evening is also held in September for Year 6 students and their parents, to enable them to meet the teaching staff, see the facilities we have to offer and ask any questions. During this visit students will have the opportunity to meet the Headteacher, other members of SLT and the schools’ wider staff as they walk around the school, visiting the different subject areas.
We maintain close links with all of our feeder primary schools and we maintain contact during the year to ensure that all students, some of whom may have learning difficulties, are properly prepared for the transition to high school. Each year members of SLT and the SENDCO will visit Primary Schools to meet the students who are due to move to us.
Other Admissions, including Mid-Year Transfers
We are always happy to meet the parents of any prospective new students at any time during the year. In the case of students who join us part way through their time at secondary school, we particularly want to meet both parents and students before they start with us. This affords the opportunity to look around the school during the working day and to explain what we can offer and to outline our hopes and expectations of students. We hope that these arrangements will not only allow parents and students to make informed choices before admission but will also help to establish the personal contacts which are so important for a happy and successful education.
The Admitting Authority for Bedale High School is North Yorkshire County Council. They manage the admission process and any application for places must be directed through them. See the link provided below for access to the Local Authority’s web page and for further support and guidance on this process.
Students who live outside the area
Over the last few years we have been able to admit students from outside the area who have applied. Parents living outside the area are advised to contact both the school and County Hall early in the year.
If you wish to contact the school regarding admissions, please contact Mrs McDougal (Operations Manager: HR & Admin) in the first instance: Should you wish to meet with other key staff such as the SENDCO, please also email to arrange an appointment.
Annual admission limit
Our admission limits for each year group are as follows:
- 140 for Year 7
- 140 for Year 8
- 140 for Year 9
- 140 for Year 10
- 140 for Year 11
Link to Local Authority Admission Guidance
Admissions Information
For school admissions information and access to an electronic application form, please use this link to visit the
You can use north Yorkshire County Council interactive maps to find out what catchment area you live in.
For further information please refer to the North Yorkshire admissions policies which are available in the policies section of our website (