
Policies & Key Documents

Read more about our Accessibility Plan

Read more about our 2022-23 Admissions

Read more about our 2023-24 Admissions for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools

Read more about our 2024-25 Admissions for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools

Read more about our Anti-Bullying 

Read more about our Attendance

Read more about our Behaviour

Read more about our Careers and Provision

Read more about our Charging and Remissions

Read more about our Child Protection

Read more about our Complaints

Read more about our Educational Visits

Read more about our Examinations Access Arrangements

Download our Examinations – Use of Word Processors

Read more about our Single Equality

Read more about our Governors Allowances

Read more about our Health and Safety

Read more about our Managing Allegations Against Staff

We follow the latest guidance from North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership which can be seen by clicking the link to the right

Read more about our Mental Health

Read more about our Phones

Read more about our Privacy Notice – Parents and Pupils

Read more about our Privacy Notice – Employees

Read more about our PSHE Policy

Read more about our Relationships and Sex Education

Read more about our Remote Learning Guidance and Protocols

Read more about our Substance Misuse

Read more about our Special Educational Needs Information

Download our Smoking Policy

Read more about our Whistleblowing

Find below a list of key documents:

Download our Medical Letter and Information Sheet

Download our Pupil Leave of Absence Application Form

Download our Annual Consent & Medical Fitness Form for Off-Site Activities