The main aim of Religious Education (RE) at Bedale High School is for students to respect, understand and value the beliefs, practices and moral values of a variety of different faiths and beliefs systems. In the RE department, we aim to enthuse students to investigate the world around us and be fascinated by the diversity of and within faiths.
At Bedale High School we recognise the importance of investigating our diverse world by looking at a range of different views and religions and by giving students the skills to be open-minded, compassionate and respectful.
Every pupil has a legal entitlement to receive religious education. It is an essential part of an inclusive and broad curriculum which allows students to develop not only specific knowledge about a range of religions but also the characteristics of what makes a well-rounded young person who is prepared for life in modern Britain and their responsibilities as a global citizen.
One of the key roles of Religious Education in schools is to support community cohesion and the development of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Citizenship education and Fundamental British Values. We do this throughout the RE curriculum, termly assemblies and also by highlighting key events such as Interfaith Week, Holocaust Memorial Day, the national ‘Spirited Arts’ competition and important religious festivals.
Locally Agreed Syllabus:
The starting point for our curriculum in the North Yorkshire SACRE Agreed Syllabus which is statutory for all maintained schools. This enables us to deliver a rich and diverse curriculum to our students and builds upon the learning experiences they will have enjoyed as part of Key Stage 1 and 2. For further information please refer to the link below.
Curriculum Summary:
The Religious Education curriculum explores aspects of the six main world religions through the study of beliefs, teachings and practices. Students in years 7,8 and 9 begin their studies in the Autumn term by considering what difference it makes to follow Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam and Judaism. The curriculum then takes a themed approach, considering historical, ethical and moral themes. Over Key Stage 3, students receive 60 minutes per week of Religious Education.

Currently in Key Stage 4 students have RE sessions during tutor time which are set by the RE teacher. These sessions cover a range of topics from Human Rights, what religions do for others (e.g. charity work), the diversity within Christianity and how that came about, Buddhism, religious influence in art and beliefs systems that are less well known such as Rastafari and Humanism.
Year 9 students will be offered Religious Studies as a GCSE option (AQA, Spec. A). This will include investigating ethical issues such as Peace and Conflict, Crime and Punishment and Human Rights and religious attitudes (largely Christian and Buddhist) towards these issues. There is a topic on philosophy and a study of Christian and Buddhist beliefs and practices.
By learning about the ways in which these beliefs and practices vary amongst communities and impact the lives of millions of people, students develop a broad understanding of how religion permeates life around the world, developing in them respect and tolerance for beliefs different to their own. Through learning about prominent historical figures and events as well as current affairs, students are exposed to the impact of religion in the modern world. Students develop skills in critical thinking and analysis through both discussion and extended writing, equipping them with a strong foundation of knowledge and skills required for further study, including GCSE.
Right to Withdraw:
In the UK, parents have the right to withdraw their children from Religious Education on the grounds that they wish to make their own religious or spiritual provision. It is the parents’ responsibility to provide this provision.
Should you wish to discuss any aspects of the Religious Education curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Butler, Head of Humanities & MFL on