Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) at Bedale High School – Parent/Carer, Staff and Governor consultation.
Dear Parents/carers, staff and governors,
The Department for Education introduced compulsory Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) for secondary students from September 2020, in addition to compulsory Health Education.
As part of implementing the RSE curriculum, schools must consult with the students, parents, staff and governors to ensure there is a general consensus on our approaches to policy and the curriculum content.
Effective engagement gives the space and time for parents to input, ask questions, share concerns and inform the planning of our RSE provision as part of the Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) programme delivered by form tutors.
Bedale High School will be starting the consultation process on Friday 2nd July 2021 and the consultation will close on the Friday 16th July 2021.
As part of this, parents, staff and governors, will be asked to read through the current version of our RSE Policy and offer some feedback about it by completing a short online survey.
You can access the current RSE Policy here
You can access the survey here
Please note the survey is available to complete at any time during this two-week window, after which time responses will be reviewed and taken into account when the policy is reviewed each year. It is also planned that this consultation will be held annually in order to keep the RSE Policy as up-to-date and relevant as possible.
Further reading
If you wish to carry out further reading around RSE, the following links to documents on the government website may be of interest to you:
Andy Childe
Associate Leader: Personal Development
Head of Humanities & MFL
Bedale High School
Fitzalan Road
Bedale DL8 2EQ
01677 422419 ext. 214