The information below is provided to support parents / carers and their children in understanding what to expect from our transition process this coming year. Firstly, we can’t wait to meet you and this ties into our important pledge to all children joining our school:

We make this pledge because we think it is important that children get to meet a senior member of staff before they join us for their transition day. It takes away the anxiety and gives children the opportunity to ask questions and learn what to expect.
The roadmap below sets out the various steps involved in our transition programme.

A bit more detail:
Once you have selected your preference(s) for a secondary school, North Yorkshire County Council will process your application. On the 1 March 2025 you will be told which secondary school your child has secured a place at for September 2025.
We will write to all successful families on 2 March 2025 to welcome you to our school and let you know a little bit more detail about what to expect next. Families wishing to accept their place in our school should email or phone the school to let us know. Within this communication, if you wish to share with us information about preferred form group companions, that is fine. Please, however, be aware that not all requests will be able to be met.
In April, we will start to visit Primary Schools in order to fulfil our pledge to visit all students in their own setting ahead of Transition Day. During this visit, we will talk to them about what to expect on the Transition Day and also wider information about our school. There will be an opportunity during this visit for your child to ask any questions that they might have. These visits are expected to be completed in late June. Alongside the completion of these visits, we will be collecting information from Primary School teacher about your child.
In May we will write to all families again to provide your child’s Personalised Transition Programme. This letter will provide key dates for you as a family to be aware of, as well as provide information about uniform and form tutors. Please be aware that year 7 uniform will be changing for September 2025. Please do not, therefore, purchase uniform that is currently in use at Bedale High School. Further details will be provided in May 2025.
In July 2025, our transition days will commence. All new students will attend one transition day, with up to an additional two days being offered where Primary Schools identify that this will positively support transition. Typically, these additional days are offered to SEND students, and those who are anxious / vulnerable.
Following on from our transition days, parent / carers, and their child are invited to a ‘Meet Us’ event. This event is another opportunity to visit to school. During this visit, you will meet as a family with your child’s form tutor. To keep things personal, you will be provided with a timeslot to attend with up to a maximum of 5 other families. This ensures that you have the time to ask any questions that you might have. The school SENDCO, DSL, and other Senior Leaders are also on hand to answer any questions that you might have during the evening.
We hope that this information has been useful in letting you know what to expect. If you have any questions, please email admin@bedalehighschool.org.uk.