Student Leadership

Student Leadership at Bedale High School: An Overview

Student Leadership is an important part of our vision and commitment to students. We have high aspirations for our students and believe that developing them as leaders plays a key role in community transformation and improving their life chances.

We aim to give students the confidence and oracy skills needed to navigate themselves in elite spaces later in life as well as the skills needed to lead and promote positive change in their own communities.

We will equip all students with the skills, abilities, attributes and qualifications to pursue a fulfilling career, contribute positively to their communities and be active, global citizens.

Student Leaders form an integral part of the Student Voice process and have the opportunity to meet regularly with the Senior Leadership Team and effect real change in the school. We aim to make our Student Leadership team diverse and representative of our student body.

Each year group has their own Student Leadership Team, and 20% of the student population will have some leadership responsibility. We expect Student Leaders to represent our core values of Courage, Commitment and Compassion.

In addition to our Student Leadership team, we recognise and encourage leadership through our Extended Leadership groups. These aim to give safe spaces for students to discuss issues of relevance to them and promote marginalised voices within the Academy. These groups include, the ‘Interact Club’, ‘Military Students Club’, ‘Book Crew’, and ‘Rainbow Pride’ (LGBTQAI? +). The staffing of these groups is specifically engineered to provide peer support for students and allow a safe space where issues can be openly discussed.

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